One of the advantages of online journals is that the writer is freed from the worry of keeping track of his earlier posts. A prolific blogger, had he been using pen and paper, would be quickly burdened with the need to find storage space for the stacks of journals, and once stored, retrieving would be another bother. For blogs, this is a non-issue. Earlier entries can be periodically archived, so unwanted clutter can be avoided on the blog page. At the same time, they can be easily accessed.
Under the Archiving link in the Settings tab, you can choose the frequency with which this archiving occurs. Entries that are archived are visible under the Archives link on the blog.
Under the same link, you can also decide whether to allocate one page per post. Doing this allocates a URL to each blog entry. Compared to having many blog entries on a single page, the one page-per-post layout allows readers to go directly to a specific post without scrolling through an entire page of posts trying to find the one they want to look at. The flip side is that there will be a lot of clicking to be done if someone wants to read through a week of posts. It is recommended you use the one-page-per-post layout if your posts tend to be about a page in length; if you only jot a few lines in most of your posts, it is better to avoid this layout.
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